Porsche Porch Party
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Porsche Porch Party

Flyer for Scarborough Inn's Porsche Porch Party
The Stuttgart stallion frolicking in the dune grass.

Saturday October 14th, 2023 is the 4th Annual Boardwalk Reunion for Porsche Club of America Zones 1 and 2. Ellen Beck and Bob Gutjahr always put on a heck of an event. This year 425 Porsche Owners will be coming to town and bringing some very welcome business and cultural exchange to our seaside paradise's shoulder season.

For those of you literally rolling into town Friday night, swing by Scarborough Inn anytime from 5pm to 7pm for one of our fabled Porch Parties.

I even revamped the Scarborough Inn logo. You can see the Stuttgart Stallion champing at the bit to join the festivities (pets welcome; hitch your horse in the loading zone though).

It's a throwback to another era. Think Victorian architecture, wraparound porch, rocking chairs, free drinks and food, and the company of your fellow Porschenistas. You can all exchange notes and tips for Saturday's caravan from the municipal airport to the boardwalk.

Modern meets vintage at Scarborough Inn, just like Porsche.

Here are some shots from previous Boardwalk Reunions.

No RSVP required. Just roll up to:

Scarborough Inn

720 Ocean Avenue

Ocean City, NJ 08226

And if you haven't booked a room yet, I still have some availability. Book a one-night or two-night stay for 20% off at Ocean City's oldest and highest rated hotel. Rooms starting at $287/night. And you get:

-Full breakfast

-Free on-site parking

-My charming personality

What better way to enjoy the Boardwalk Reunion than a welcome porch party, followed by a restful night at OCNJ's best hotel. And you're in the heart of the Downtown Historic District, so you can pop back and forth from your car on Saturday when you need a little break from the boardwalk.

Click here to book your discounted stay today and start a new annual tradition.

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